

George Carlin died.

Why did I have to find this out while driving to work.... I nearly hit a parked car...

I'm "old" enough to remember a time when George was considered "risque"... when what he had to say would result in arguements in bars and investigations by the FBI...

My father had an album of his, I don't recall which one...but I remember he's make us go to bed and he'd have the sound turned down low and he's laugh out loud at what George said.

George Carlin is dead.

Why did I spend all afternoon looking for the following clip...cus its my favorite Carlin bit? (football rules yall, nuff sed)

Comedians really aren't funny anymore...I'm not sure if this is because there's nothing funny out there anymore to discuss, or if comedians have lost all sense of morality and no longer have an interest in expounding on the state of the world...

People like Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor,and George Carlin... no more...

maybe its just me... maybe I'm not finding the "funny" in sex, race and social programing...

oh well...

George Carlin is dead.

As Florida Evans, from Good Times said....

damn, damn DAMN